AmigaOS3.5 (291/967)

From:Tom Bailie
Date:9 May 2000 at 08:53:15
Subject:OS3.5 versus 4xBuffered Interface.

Hello All,

With your permission, I would like to mail some questions re. adding
Drives(I'm Towering-up my A1200) to my system through a PowerComputing
4xBuffered Interface that I presently use for 1 CD-ROM and 1x1Gb 2�"
HDD. There seems to be quite a conflict between such an interface and

I want to run 2xCD-ROM Drives and 2xHDD's, one of which may be 10.2Gb.
(all EIDE).

One of the HDD's will be in a drawer and I would like to be able to
'exchange' it for a backup/emergency drive.

I would like to be able to use one of the CD-ROM Drives to play music
CD's only, alongside operating the computer.

I would also like to be able be able to use my 2�" HDD(possibly as an
exchange drive) with a separate power supply, of course. Is this
possible, since I can't see any jumpers on it?

I am using EIDE'99 and AllegroCDFS at present.

One further(and final, for now), question.

I have a Magnum 040/40, 16meg with SCSI module. Do I need a driver for
the SCSI module and if so, where would I get it, ie., if OS3.5 does
not already contain one?

Fuller system details on request(and I don't mind private replies).

So, if some of you would like to let me know what(of the above) is
possible, and how, I would be eternally grateful.

Best Regards,

Tom Bailie.

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